The theatrical release of X-Men: Days of Future Past is the perfect justification to welcome a new game featuring the band Xavier. Alas, with Marvel, you never really know what you're gonna get. While some titles managed to shine, others are dark horrors. Most are simply derivatives without much interest. In which category the new adaptation?

The game X-Men: Days of Future Past follows the plot of the film away. Without spoiling the story, let's just say that the mutant X-Men are required to travel through time to try to restore order and prevent chaotic future that awaits the nation. The title is in the form of a classic beat'em all leads us into twenty levels to operate multiple mutants.
Mutants kits
The adventure begins with the Wolverine star, who gradually join Kitty Pryde, Colossus, Cyclops and others. The game allows you to choose the mutant that we want to control, change hero on the fly full level, and even revisit previous levels with another character to try to explore every corner. This proves especially useful to find all the collectibles and complete the game 100%. Incidentally, each level seen noted by the time taken to complete it, the level of health maintained, the number of zigouillés enemies, and items found. During the game, we accumulate experiences that can then be spent to advance our mutants points. Each hero thus has a range of powers and unlockables or improve through experience. example, it is possible to buy new combos or power regeneration Wolverine. Yes, you read that right: here, you must unlock one of the basic powers of the character ...
Mutants are all alike
Very traditional in its approach, the game does not seem to seek originality. Instead, it is confined to bind us uninspired levels, where it is to beat an enemy palanquée idiots who have to turn to receive their dose of mandalas. difference between mutant heroes is not marked enough either. example, boasts Colossus can destroy metal doors, but just go to Kitty Pride to note that the fragile X-Woman is also capable ... So, we plays with one or the other, the game ultimately boils down to move and hit the pile without thinking. Sketchy controls, and floating in the animations do not really help matters. Instead, it makes the gameplay very soft, soporific, and simply soulless. It was exactly the same scenario for He-Man: The Most Powerful Game in the Universe, one of the previous games studio Glitchsoft.

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