Few RPG this year, but those that have been presented are the most famous. And there is something for everyone, with J-RPG, highly anticipated Western games, and other more general public, who will be a place in the heart of many fans of the series. It even has the right to a bit of novelty. What more, finally? Quality always prevails over quantity!
Bloodborne / PS4

Why does it keep an eye on?After a few solid tracks (Armored Core series), From Software has rapidly made a name in the world of RPG "for large," delivering quick succession Demon's Souls and Dark Souls. Difficult, demanding, mature licked and especially in terms of artistic and technical achievement, the next effort should not distort. Bloodborne probably suggest a similar approach, but in a world farther from the medieval fantasy, darker and even dirty.
Dragon Age Inquisition / PC-PS3-PS4-360-One

Why does it keep an eye on?Simply because after a very good first episode, Dragon Age II was overall disappointed. Many players have tried to Electronic Arts, responsible under them to have rushed out of the game the same criticisms were subsequently issued once Mass Effect 3 out (despite all its qualities).Inquisition will have the task of showing that the duo EA-BioWare still works, and that Dragon Age Origins was not just a good one-night stand. > We could try Dragon Age Inquisition in August 2013, here's our preview. > Anagund talks about Dragon Age Inquisition, since E3.
Fable Legends / One

Why does it keep an eye on?Very classic in its gameplay or its universe, Fable Legends stands out mainly through its online mode and asymmetric gameplay. Between 4 heroes fifth player who can control the various existing mob. For the latter, so the game takes an interesting strategic move, as can try all possible dirt to triumph over his enemies. Enough to lose some friends in one evening. > If the title interests you, Anagund has concocted a nice overview.
Sapphire Alpha - Omega Pokémon Ruby / 3DS

Why does it keep an eye on?These are remakes, so difficult to compare this with the future release of a Witcher 3 or Bloodborne. Pokéfans the other hand will be happy, since Ruby and Sapphire are often cited as the best installment of the franchise. It will be for them the opportunity to recover plethora of Pokémon lost during the transition to the DS, for those who had failed or had not had the opportunity to transfer their protégés. For those who have never played these two episodes, this is an opportunity to get serious!
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt / PC-PS4-One

Why does it keep an eye on?Well just because so far, The Witcher has never disappointed us. And this may be the last episode of the adventures of Geralt! The game will feature the same time as some new combat system will be more dynamic, but because it is a "real" open world. This open world is also assumed to be 30 times larger than in previous games. Nothing much ... > See our report E3 2014 The Witcher. Wild Hunt > You can also read our overview sent directly from Los Angeles!
Xenoblade Chronicles X / Wii U

Why does it keep an eye on?Xenoblade Chronicles was probably one if not the best Wii game, and undoubtedly one of the best J-RPG released in recent years. It's hard to imagine how the creators of masterpieces like Baten Kaitos and Xenosaga may disappoint us, knowing that their new title will allow players to move in a vast open world, aboard mecha hyper-stylish. But caution that if the first big trailer presented at E3 2013, we had put water in his mouth, he presented this week was much more common.

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