That's what we thought of the penultimate episode of the season of The Walking Dead, by Telltale.

Difficult to "score" a game divided into episodes, but impossible to miss the now inevitable productions Telltale, especially after the first season of the highest caliber. Here, episode by episode as and when they leave our opinions on The Walking Dead: Season 2 of Telltale.
Season 2 of The Walking Dead is a story of change in perspective. The adventures of a tough guy Lee, father default - almost by obligation - and often natural leader (so responsible and guilty) are now completed, and so Telltale hand on a new cycle . The young and frail Clementine takes over, imposing from the outset a different kind of empathy from the player. As in the first season, first episode invites rapidly crucial choice: to share or not his food, help or escape, the problems do not deviate but the method is new.
The Walking Dead: Season 2Also plagued by guilt, the girl quickly loses its status as victim . Ecorchée - literally and figuratively - she realizes that sad look supported not enough in this world where friendships that last are anomalies. Unlike Lee, it can not impose its method, its views, and must outwit, cheat and lie to find some semblance of stability. The characters encountered so quickly take the flu, and that side alone against all fly is particularly in this first episode. Clementine you are leading is seen as a kind of monster, constantly watched corner as if to detect last flame of innocence.

Human, canine, died: new friends Clementine are various
Side gameplay , this translates into an infiltration sequence where it remains probable new allies, playing a chord or blackmail appropriate. The QTE action are simple, the choice a little less: take his actions seemed easier when the course seemed logical to follow, when righteousness was working for the common good. Nothing like in the first episode, which does not give any key narrative accurate and center his own survival problems on the character you control. So of course, the episode is a little short (1:30), entirely in English and rather verbose, but it raises the standard on a new rail seductive narrative: the player impulse more action with his choices, he just tries to shape it for the convenience of his character, as vague as it is. Mixing action / adventure / dialogue has not changed, but the taste is not quite the same : this is a new season awaits a show in the first year so masterful.

S02E02: Available

Just arrived in a new group of survivors, Clementine back on the road. Its new acolytes seem terribly frightened by the community to which they belonged up, and that's what makes this small group to attempt a breakthrough towards the North. Few exploration, "puzzles" or playable sequences in beginning of the second chapter, whose story hums a little, we advance, we encounter zombies and threatening humans to finally continue our journey.

The second episode takes off during ' last third removed , where zombies, human enemies and weather spoil our heroine's reunion with an old known head. Our relationships with various characters are expanding, and it will clearly take sides at a time of adventure. But again, this rise is brusque with a huge twist that messes up the narrative canvas that the first hour was used to weave. A House Divided offers a slow tempo finally rusher effects during the last half hour, which is a shame. We liked that the characters take the time to explain during the first season. Misunderstandings and unknown keep coming here too, although this does not spoil provided the emotional impact of the choices made over water. Always well written and interpreted (Michael Madsen same party), this second part promises a radical change of tone and mood for the next, and that's about it.

It remains on a high note with the friendly takeover of an illustrious song, In the Pines , which accompanies the end credits. Yes, the same one taken by Nirvana Unplugged in live sound
S02E03: Available

The little girl with backpack kawaii and endearing pout has indeed disappeared, giving way to a certain moth which, depending on your choices, finally accepting his role as a steadfast leader. Yes, the top of his eleven years. An interesting metamorphosis which unfortunately leaves a bit player side : this hour and a half adventure does not actually have much of fun, and when the hand is left for us to explore an area, it's all we on recovery to give free rein to long cutscenes in which it occurs too rarely.

Clementine evolves, whatever the player's choice
The ultimate decision is heartbreaking and well fed, but does not forget the long narrative punctuated by tunnels "Kenny will remember" and other tricks to overstate the importance of your choice. In short, despite the wrenching transformation of a heroine that stuff every slap received this third installment does not really take off the second season of The Walking Dead , which despite its qualities confirms what we feared his ad the difficulty of Telltale to repeat his performance of last year.

After enclosing the previous chapter, place outdoors equally disturbing in this new time and a half for survival. The extension of episode 3 could not be more logical: Clementine must assume its responsibilities , its status as a child is not enough to erase the eyes of his companions in misfortune. Hardly time to recover from the hectic flight from Camp Carver, and that the fine team plagued by hunger, cold and walkers.

Tensions sharpen as the episode in advance, and it is the young heroine that he will return to extinguish the many fires on the group. One would think that a happy event Soda Kenny, Rebecca and others, but it is obviously nothing until the final meeting, which promises removed concluded . But this fourth episode fortunately not merely to bring the following: Finally, it leaves a little room to play, by linking the QTE and the positions taken in dialogue.

There's even a hint of exploration , and if it is far from the first season release level, take a little hand on the fate of Clementine is not bad at all. In short, we have here a few times involving most of the second season, failing to deal with the most disturbing chapter in its plot (except the final, obviously). It may be that the fate of the second season of The Walking Dead: never achieve any balance - gameplay, drama and important moral choices - as did the first.

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