The next Metal Gear will be released, according to Konami, early 2015.
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain has attracted a lot of people when it was presented at the last E3. Thirty minute presentation of gameplay of stealth game Kojima Productions have actually lifted the veil on the playful possibilities of the game, that goes well beyond the draft drawn with Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes . Nevertheless, it remained to set for Konami, the question of the release date of this ambitious blockbuster . Through an "error" of the British newspaper The Guardian, we now know more: after a interview the creator of the series Hideo Kojima, our colleague had initially announced the release of the game for 27 March 2015. An information quickly denied by the publication, which has since rectified by an "Early 2015" (early 2015) blown by Konami. All remains very vague at the moment (until TGS?), but has the merit to specify the window that we hardly dared to whisper the last month, as the game looks ambitious, and the current development status unknown . Also remember that the next adventure of Big Boss is provided on PS4 and Xbox One, but also on PS3 and Xbox 360

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