In its announcement at E3 2012, Watch Dogs was more than a game I must say that the promise of an open-logged and hacked galore elements world was enough to delight players. But following a late postponement announced and aggressive communication campaign that followed, the enthusiasm and the hope aroused by the first videos have gradually given way to concern and skepticism in the heart of many players. Watch Dogs then this, what is it?
Before discussing the specifics of gameplay, it should present the universe as you explore.Watch Dogs takes place in Chicago, a city under the control of CTOs. This software controls all the electronic infrastructure of the city, ranging from surveillance cameras at traffic lights, but also can collect all the personal data and take advantage of information retrieved to prevent crimes . Appalled by the apparent rape of freedoms, a group of "Hacktivists" (sic) appointed DedSec decided to oppose the regime and infiltrate a portion of the system to take control. Like recent works such as Person of Interest series or various futuristic novels evoke the theme of surveillance, Watch Dogs therefore puts us in a world not so far from ours (hello Google and Anonymous), where hyper-connectivity is authentic. And it is in this context that you take control of Aiden Pearce, a hacker initiated combat techniques, haunted by his past choices that led to the loss of a close . Traumatized by this event, it is now close to paranoia and spends most of his free time to watch his loved ones while away from the criminal underworld to protect his family. You guessed it, the friend Pearce is not the end of his troubles and will have against his will resume service ...

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Before discussing the specifics of gameplay, it should present the universe as you explore.Watch Dogs takes place in Chicago, a city under the control of CTOs. This software controls all the electronic infrastructure of the city, ranging from surveillance cameras at traffic lights, but also can collect all the personal data and take advantage of information retrieved to prevent crimes . Appalled by the apparent rape of freedoms, a group of "Hacktivists" (sic) appointed DedSec decided to oppose the regime and infiltrate a portion of the system to take control. Like recent works such as Person of Interest series or various futuristic novels evoke the theme of surveillance, Watch Dogs therefore puts us in a world not so far from ours (hello Google and Anonymous), where hyper-connectivity is authentic. And it is in this context that you take control of Aiden Pearce, a hacker initiated combat techniques, haunted by his past choices that led to the loss of a close . Traumatized by this event, it is now close to paranoia and spends most of his free time to watch his loved ones while away from the criminal underworld to protect his family. You guessed it, the friend Pearce is not the end of his troubles and will have against his will resume service ...
A pleasant scenario but unsurprisingly
Since we are well underway, both start by addressing the main story. First good surprise, it took me about twenty hours before seeing the end, a figure quite honest for the kind of especially since it ignores all related activities . If the scenario proves correct rhythm and has several striking scenes, however, it remains very conventional and most of the twists are predictable, even a little too forced. Ditto for the characters: no false major score for the latter, but it lacks the spark that would make them major characters. Too bad, because they clearly do not lack style and have been a neat design.Sequences are varied enough so that the player does not get bored, and the last main tasks gaining momentum up an interesting final scene from the moral point of view, but disappointing in terms of gameplay. A picture of a good film that does its work, the history of Watch Dogs is pleasant to follow and the good taste not to go in the primary Manichaeism, but fails to inflame passions and seems excessive force trying to do . Too bad, because the world of hacking is far from uninteresting and some secondary characters such as T-Bone and Jordi bring some freshness. As for the friend Aiden, his taciturn and almost antisocial character makes any analysis of the man, the image of a Connor had not been unanimity among players of Assassin's Creed III. Love it or hate it, and I personally loved it.
The hack, central Chicago
The last production of Ubisoft therefore puts you in a world where many items can be hacked. But at the beginning of the adventure, Aiden does not yet have all its capacities and should therefore be limited to some of them before you can unlock new, such as helicopters or disrupt blow pipes. Once the center of a hacked CTOs (via a mini-game combinations that merit vary a little pleasure) area, Aiden then has access to all the data of the characters you meet in town: first good point is by hacking the information that you unlock these side missions . No way to see them arrive like a hair in the soup, their appearance is justified by a mission scenario, either because Aiden has intercepted a communication wandering at random from passersby. A really pleasant choice that contributes to immersion and gives actually want to hang out in the streets to discover the many secrets that abound the city of Chicago. However, the system is permissive to avoid blocking you at some stage of the game, as some of these side missions unlock automatically in neighborhoods where Aiden took control of CTOs. A choice explained by the system of remote hacking enjoyed Aiden and allows him to know the profiling done by the system itself CTOs. Justification certainly a little easy, but clever.
Aiden, a killing machine / hack
In addition to a range of conventional weapons from simple gun sniper rifle through the grenade launcher, Aiden has a whole bunch of hacking tools craftables he can use as he pleases in Chicago . It can thus be used to cut the interfering signals nearby (useful when a passerby called the police to report you), the lure to attract his opponents on a zone, the scan CTOs for the location of all enemies of a place or the most powerful of all tools: the Blackout, which neutralizes all electronic components nearby and allows you to escape taking advantage of the chaos and the absence of light arising from the loss of electrical signals. These tools can also be used in the car, with the exception of firearms. Damage, although this choice is often offset by the many elements that can be hacked during chases. The latter also are very arcades and require a little time to grip before being appreciated, but still very enjoyable. can not be said of very unpredictable collisions are the main downside black gameplay , although they do not spoil the interest of security.
Quests galore
The side missions are also very numerous, quite varied and are all found in the progression menu. The most important of them being contracts fixer, criminal escorts, detected crimes and gang hideouts. The first delivery missions are often the very different objectives, using your skills as a driver. The latter are to intercept a convoy of criminals or by removing one of the targets, either by neutralizing non-lethal way: the choice of weapons and technology is up to you whether to block the road with a car before making any jump grenade launcher or place you on a bridge to get rid of the target sniper. Crimes are simpler, since they are to follow a victim or a potential criminal, and to intervene to prevent the tragedy from happening. Finally, gang hideouts as they are part of the more subtle tasks involve identifying a gang leader in a hostile area and neutralize without killing him. But beware, most of them try to escape as soon as you have identified.
Investigations can not be released for their turns in accessing CTOs, a process that requires both power sources seek to access the heart of the system .Once unlocked, they give access to various points of interest, including investigations. Past simply allow you to retrieve objects, discover a crime scene or search for QR codes hidden in the environment, after gathering all the elements related to these investigations, you will reach a final mission to terminate said investigation. The last side missions are more anecdotal and act more as mini-games, between situations chess to finish in a few shots, poker games where Aiden can use their smartphone to evaluate the stress level of an opponent, or a part of monte. Get 100% increase is long and will take dozens of hours , but never abusive regarding these mini-games as they usually just try and succeed some parts to unlock these precious percentages in progress. Finally, the famous Digital Trips (which will not please everyone) are in the game, but ultimately is a mini-game that does not even appear in the percentage of progression. Their quality is variable: "Alone" on infiltration and "Spider-Tank" acting big défouloir are probably the two most interesting, especially as improving their skills in these shows more interest than in others.
Missions and open concept of choice
It is very easy to hack any item since the action is done via a simple push of a button, know how to use these mechanisms wisely is another thing: this is where comes into play level design . Most missions simply indicate a goal, before you leave the choice of weapons. Feel free to use the cameras to spot enemies, block their communications, creating diversions or even get rid of them by blowing some items. But if you want, it is also possible to sneak between the guards way Splinter Cell or cause good old shootout using your most powerful weapons. Or even mix these elements to achieve your goal. And the surprise is that if you fail during a mission, you will realize that the guards change and possible diversions are no longer necessarily the same. For example, you can send a text message to a guard who is waiting for an important message, or ringing his cell ... something that will not be possible if the guard change by starting the mission. Same thing in regards chases, since stopping a vehicle may very well be done at two different times of the same mission as the path followed by the car you continue, or depending on the presence of circulating sufficient to cause a pile to a fire.
Hey, IA
But if we talk about the enemies, impossible not to mention their IA. The situation is rather positive, although it strongly depends on how you play: it is certainly very easy to divert their attention and draw them into a specific area given the large number of options available to Aiden number, but these are rather aggressive and very easily spot you when you go into their field of vision. Of course, their ability to quickly identify you also differs depending on the difficulty and we can only advise the undercover lovers spend the game difficult or realistic to face a challenge statement. positive side, your opponents have the good taste not to be omniscient: unless you have seen during your shot, they do not automatically locate and seek first to check the area where the ball is a party (or grenade, c is claimed), mostly by trying to encircle and trap you in this area, just to be sure you do not you might escape. They obviously do not hesitate to give the alarm when they spot a corpse, a point however it is possible to avoid blocking their communications, an action that cost a few points of battery to prevent the player can be abused in a mission. While it is easy to yield to the joys of primary bourrinage is finally opting for more stealth options that you really take your foot in your attacks carefully preparing, getting rid of each guard one after the other, seeking the best coverage before going quietly until your goal.
As for the people of Chicago, they go about their business and we really give the feeling of being a soul among others . When you activate your profile, so you can know their name, as well as their often feature classic income sometimes downright funny. Some of these loops can be hacked to retrieve items for the crafter hacking tools, or even their bank details and then collect the tickets at an ATM. Their actions also depend heavily on choices made by Aiden : If you spend most of your time to solve crimes and arrest thieves in the street, then they choose voluntarily condone your actions and you will see as a vigilante. However, rob stores or crush passers will negatively impact on their behavior, they will not hesitate to call the police and report you. Karma, it does not forgive.
Watch Dogs, several best?
Because new generation rhymes with connected experiences, Watch Dogs is no exception to the rule and also offers several multiplayer modes, all anchored directly into the solo : just search either party to either accept or not applications will be sent by default during your travels in the city of Chicago. But it remains impossible for a player to embed in your party as you did not directly accepted. In mode 1 against 1, you have the choice between a hack file an opponent and ensure you do not identify, or track while ensuring there also remain in the shadows. Among the friendly modes up to 8 players, it is also possible to explore the city of Chicago or cooperating openly waging war, a welcome idea but limited due to the inability to engage in missions group. Races are also present, as well as last much more interesting mode in which all players are waging a war without thank you to retrieve data. It tends to turn boxing, shootings and explosions of any kind, which is not displeasing to us!
And if you like mobile experiences, a free smartphone application allows your loved one to take control of the police and the various elements that can be hacked to prevent Aiden completed a course. In addition to the thirty predefined route, it is also possible to create new, nothing very fancy, but everything is simple enough to provide access to several part without headaches.Refractory multiplayer modes can also disable it at any time online intrusions, although it is unfortunate that choose this option resets your online reputation and released for the same fashion skills. Because yes, online play can unlock new skills every win you hundreds of points relating the exact number depends on your playing ... and making every defeat you win or lose very few points. The system aims to be accessible and is only slightly disadvantageous: although interesting, intrusion multiplayer mode in the solo is finally a good idea without great genius who does not revolutionize the way you play .
A visual and technical success
So yes, Watch Dogs is not as good on PC as it was when it was presented in 2012, even pushing the graphics settings at their maximum. But it would be unfair to summarize the game at this point alone, the realization has been the subject of special care: the effects of light, smoke and explosions are frankly different successful and give a real feeling of power and chaos to the actions of our vigilante hacker .Credible movement of water or wind in the trees are all quality effects that should not disappoint players expecting an immersive experience. Building on the effects seem a wise choice as they are present in the shootings and chases, although we can always pester against clipping remains present, the display distance remaining fairly average. As for the aliasing, it is unfortunately much of the game is spot on and some decorations. Players can take comfort in noting that the title is fluid, suffers only very few slowdowns, and that during the forty hours I could devote no major bug has come to disturb my part. Several positive points that echo the very low presence of load time (except the first, but long excusable) ensuring seamless majeure. Experience Chicago is an open living, beautiful and believable world which focuses more on the immersion that technical pure beauty . And it's probably better that way.

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