After The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us, Telltale Games Borderlands attacks. The formula does not change, it is always through the prism of an adventure game studio that fits a license already known. The difference is that after kicking records pure emotion and the police investigation in the land of fairy tales, it is the field of humor that we play here.

To present Tales from the Borderlands, Telltale Games has the right approach in guiding us through the first 40 minutes of the game or rather through the first 40 minutes of the first episode, because true to form, the studio setting again the episodic format with a first segment to be released this summer on PC, Mac, PS3, Xbox 360, PS Vita, iOS and Android. Please note that PlayStation 4 and Xbox versions will follow One but have not yet release date.
Telltale returns to humor

A new adventure game from Telltale episodic signed.
Tales from the Borderlands is of course inspired by the Borderlands series designed by Gearbox. That said, Telltale forces, we are not dealing with a shooter in first person, but an adventure game adapts to the player's choice. The system, having already proven in The Walking Dead and The Wolf Among Us, so here is found with a lot of decisions in the moment, and the obligation to pay the consequences. We know that the method operates in the grave and serious registry, but it can also shine when it comes to a lighter adventure?It is known that Borderlands is known for his humor and we still wonder if the players will be involved both in the game in The Walking Dead for example, where each choice can result in the death of a teammate. It's not the same having to choose the least worst solution than having to decide between two valves as it seems to be the case in Tales from the Borderlands ...
Crossed stories
Recall that the fast world of Borderlands revolves around planet Pandora and the famous Arch apparently containing many treasures. Treasure hunters on Pandora jostle hoping to reap their share of the spoils. The story of Tales from the Borderlands takes place years after that of Borderlands 2, well after the death of Beau Jack. Title allows us to play two characters: Rhys and Fiona, two characters who do not really seem s' enjoy and find themselves to tell how they came in possession of a key to open the ark. Everyone tells his version of the facts - versions that do not always correspond to the reality of events, but open an avenue for teams Telltale to offer a multitude of fun situations. Between the exaggerations of one or small deformations of the other, we saw each story with pleasure by letting embark delirium writers made multiple reversals of situations. We intentionally cite any example to not spoil the discovery. Just know that Telltale is pleasure in causing us to the heart of incredible situations abruptly interrupted by the voice of another character who says nothing of the sort occurred, and then tells his story.
Adventure, but also QTE
On pure adventure phases, we have not seen a lot of things, but enough to understand that Rhys can find loot the scene around him. Telltale suggests that the game will incorporate an economic system, but does not give more details about it. however studio indicates that booty will be linked to other games Borderlands, it just does not know how. In addition to talking to characters or collect loot, Rhys can also count on his bionic eye scanner for different things around him. For example it can scan a computer to retrieve some data. Moreover, it is by hacking the screen of his superior in the Hyperion company he learns of a key to open the ark. Outside bionic possibilities, exploration phases are classical and in the line that provides Telltale for some years now. however it seems that the mix between exploration and action is less balanced than in the past. This beginning of Adventure offers in any case a long action sequence multiplying the QTE with the appearance of a giant robot ready to fight for us. As always, these phases are not Telltale at its best since it is the writing that the studio is expected. And since Antony Burch, lead author of Borderlands 2 is the game we are already certain that the original spirit will remain.

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